The world the game is running in


World(Vector2 size, GameMode gamemode)

Constructor of a world with a given size and gamemode


actors → List<Actor>

Collection of spawned actors

read / write
gamemode GameMode

Gamemode the current game is running with

read / write
isRunning → bool

Is the game running?

onActorRemoved → Stream<Actor>

Emits actors which got removed

read / write
onActorSpawned → Stream<Actor>

Emits newly spawned actors

read / write
size → Vector2

Size of this world

read / write
hashCode → int

The hash code for this object.

read-only, inherited
runtimeType → Type

A representation of the runtime type of the object.

read-only, inherited


operator ==(other) → bool

The equality operator.



beginPlay() → void

Starts the game

genUID() → String

Returns a unique id

removeActor(Actor actor) → void

Remove a spawned actor

spawnActor<T extends Actor>(T actor, Vector2 location, { Vector2 rotation, Vector2 scale }) → T

Spawns a given actor on a given location with given optional rotation and scale. Returns spawned actor.

start() → void

Start the game

stop() → void

Stop the game

tick(double deltaTime) → void

Used for operations which need to be done in short intervals where deltaTime specifies the time since the last tick

noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic

Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.

toString() → String

Returns a string representation of this object.
