Loads the level
load() async { // Download and decode the level.json final body = await HttpRequest.getString(path); final Map data = JSON.decode(body); // Check for spawnText if (data.containsKey("spawnText") && data["spawnText"] is String) { _spawnText = data["spawnText"]; } // Check for size if (data.containsKey("size") && _isVec2List(data["size"])) { _size = _listToVec2(data["size"]); } // Check for the actors if (data.containsKey("actors") && data["actors"] is List) { _actors.clear(); for (final actdata in data["actors"]) { if (actdata["type"] != null && _isVec2List(actdata["location"])) { final actor = new ActorData(); actor.factory = () => _parseActor(actdata["type"].toString()); actor.location = _listToVec2(actdata["location"]); if (_isVec2List(actdata["rotation"])) { actor.rotation = _listToVec2(actdata["rotation"]); } if (_isVec2List(actdata["scale"])) { actor.scale = _listToVec2(actdata["scale"]); } _actors.add(actor); } } } _ready = true; }